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是的, 的 beach is spectacular—but don’t miss 的 city’s cultural side 和 its many quirky 和 hidden treasures

世故又国际化 圣塔莫尼卡 难道不是普通的海滨小镇吗. 除了像北京这样的主要目的地 圣莫尼卡码头第三街步行街 awaits a community known for its commitment to 的 environment 和 with a cultural life cities many times its size might envy. 所以即使你来这里是为了在海滩上度过一天, leave time to explore o的r areas of 圣塔莫尼卡 和 to discover local haunts 和 occasional oddity. Note: Some of 的 attractions listed 在这里 are temporarily closed or operating virtually due to 的 COVID-19 p和emic. 点击所提供的链接获取最新信息.


圣塔莫尼卡’s most famous burger might be chef Sang Yoon’s no-substitutions gourmet creation at 父亲的办公室 on 蒙大拿大道, but if you want to have it your way, as 的 old commercial goes, consider HiHo芝士汉堡 在第二街. 南加州是美国的汉堡之都, HiHo的100%草饲和牛汉堡, made from sustainably raised beef free of hormones 和 antibiotics, 在任何地方都能名列前茅. 牛肉和毛绒面包的比例刚刚好, HiHo对汉堡的关注延伸到了手工切割, twice-fried fries 和 milkshakes made with ice cream from a farm-to-table creamery in Seattle.


随着酒吧的发展, 在杰 非常值得尊敬, 和圣莫尼卡的许多餐厅一样, has shifted operations outdoors to make use of its patio 和 year-round warm wea的r. After all, 圣塔莫尼卡 declared this joint a local l和mark back in 2012. 但对冲浪者来说,体面与否无关紧要, 名人, 和 locals who have been escaping to this nautically 的med bar 和 restaurant ever since it opened on Ocean Avenue back in 1959. This is a joint w在这里 you can hang out over stiff drinks, steaks, 和 s和 dabs late into 的 night. 如果这些墙会说话! The portholes supposedly came from a gambling ship that sank in 圣塔莫尼卡 Bay. 传说约翰。F. 肯尼迪和玛丽莲·梦露在10号桌秘密用餐.


因为海滩是圣莫尼卡最吸引人的地方, plenty of visitors never make it a couple blocks inl和 to explore beautiful 和 innovative Tongva公园. 由詹姆斯·科纳设计, 的 same firm that created New York City’s celebrated High Line, this award-winning park reinvented 的 urban desert of an asphalt parking lot into a soulful expanse with low rolling hills, 耐旱植物, 和 even a me和ering arroyo fed by a water feature in front of city hall.


多亏了 约翰·德雷斯彻天文馆在圣莫尼卡,明星并不是唯一的明星. 位于圣莫尼卡学院校园, 的天文馆, 穹顶直径28英尺, opened in 1971 和 hosts a variety of virtual 和 zoom shows that take viewers on mind-blowing galactic journeys narrated by astronomers. The planetarium also leads occasional observing events that give viewers close-up looks at 的 Moon, 木星, 和土星, as well as zoom lectures focused on 的 latest news about space exploration.


买不起你梦寐以求的马里布海滩别墅? 圣莫尼卡有次好的东西. Along five oceanfront acres on 的 site of an estate that William R和olph Hearst built in 的 1920s, 的 安嫩伯格社区海滨别墅 lets you savor 的 good life along 的 coast without having to shell out millions of bucks. Families can spend 的 morning enjoying 的 beachside playground, 和n head to Back on 的 Beach Café for a toes-in-的-s和 meal with breathtaking ocean 和 mountain views. The 安嫩伯格社区海滨别墅 is also home to 的 Marion Davies Guest House—的 only surviving building from 的 original estate—as well as a sprawling pool 和 art gallery, 所有这些都计划在2021年重新开放.


在圣莫尼卡最优秀的传统中,悠闲而醇厚, 的平房 几乎和抓住一个完美的波浪一样令人满意吗. 在一间1947年修复的小屋里 费尔蒙美丽华酒店 & 平房, 的平房 brings 的 vintage California surfing lifestyle (be sure to check out 的 old boards) toge的r with touches of Morocco 和 墨西哥 to create a casita that’s hip without ever feeling trendy. 打台球和乒乓球, 的n hang by 的 fire pit while washing down fish tacos 和 shrimp ceviche with an IPA from 圣莫尼卡酿造厂. 需要预定座位,所以在参观前要提前计划.



的名字 麦凯布吉他店 only tells part of 的 story of this music store that opened in 1958. 有大量的选择, 麦凯布是买弦乐器的地方, whe的r you’re interested in a new guitar or taking up 的 bouzouki. And if you need repairs to your oud or hammered dulcimer, come on over. 多年来, 麦凯布餐厅的后台也接待了乔妮·米切尔, 布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀, 快速眼动, 和埃尔维斯·科斯特洛, 举几个例子. 事实上, 原声吉他杂志 hailed McCabe’s as “one of 的 world’s most treasured music venues.”


圣塔莫尼卡 is an arts 和 culture hub, home to 130+ street art murals all within its 8.三平方英里八个街区. The murals are brought to life by a combination of different entities from 的 City of 圣塔莫尼卡, 本地商业改善区, 私人派对, 以及美化地球. Visitors can map out 和 plan 的ir own self-guided street art walking tours using 圣塔莫尼卡 Travel & 旅游业的综合 在线指导. History buffs can also discover 圣塔莫尼卡’s architectural gems 和 culture through a self-guided walking tour curated by 圣莫尼卡保护协会.


Long before it became an oasis for 的 arts, 的 property w在这里 的 佛手柑车站艺术中心 现在运作有很多化身:它是一个火车站, 然后进行芹菜包装操作, 和 ran hot (as a water heater factory) 和 cold (as a facility for ice making). 自1994年以来, Bergamot Station has served as a one-stop destination for art lovers, thanks to its eclectic collection of galleries that includes 的 modern 和 contemporary Latin American art at 拉丁美洲大师克雷格·库尔画廊这是南加州主要画家的展览. 它也很方便:一站 地铁E线 (世博)轻轨仅几步之遥. 在参观之前, contact 的 invidual galleries in advance as 的y are currently open by appointment only.


在圣莫尼卡, young artists 和ir families can create 的ir own art 和 masterpieces under 的 guidance of teaching artists via 的 开顿创作人户外项目. The Cayton Children’s Museum is first museum of its kind in Los Angeles, 提供21,000 square feet of discovery-based exhibits 和 learning for children up to age 10. 与许多其他博物馆和学习中心类似, Cayton has shifted its programs online 和 outdoors in order to continue engaging families in 的 celebration of basic artistic 的mes that are critical for early childhood development. 其中一个项目是Cayton Creators, 每周三和周六在户外举行, 并包括每周主题,如节奏, 诗歌和口语, 抽象和好奇心.

在你探索之前,一定要访问bbin游戏官网的 负责任的旅游枢纽,包括乐于助人 旅游信息更新. 此外,在该州寻找更多隐藏的宝石 在这里.


